What Makes Life Good?



As a teen, I enjoy the challenges of living a happy life indefinitely.In this popular talk, "What Makes Life Good?" by Robert Waldinger, which has garnered more than 20 million views, Waldinger explains the three lessons the researchers learned. First, having social connections is better for our health and well-being, and conversely, loneliness kills. Second, having higher quality close connections is more important for our well-being than the number of connections. Third, having good relationships is not only good for our bodies but also for our brains. In the 1930s, Harvard University launched the longest research study of human happiness. They recruited 19-year-old Harvard sophomores as well as youths from Boston's poorest areas to take part. They conducted interviews, medical testing, and checked in on their participants every two years for almost 75 years to see how they were doing. And what they discovered about happiness took them by surprise. The study's fourth director is Robert Waldinger. In his Ted lecture, he asks, "What constitutes a wonderful life?" While many young people believe that fame, riches, and hard work will bring them happiness, Waldinger claims that it is our social ties that are most crucial for our well-being.

It is quite difficult in today’s time to find time to think about who we are, our strengths and weaknesses, personalities, our habits and values. Besides, many of us are not inclined to spend much time on self-reflection. Consequently, many of us have a low level of self-awareness because self-awareness is an essential first step toward Maximising management skills. It can improve our judgment and help us identify opportunities for professional development and personal growth. Self-awareness is the first step toward emotional intelligence. Our capacity to understand our own emotions and their consequences for us and others is known as self-awareness. It will be difficult to proceed into other emotional competences such as self-management, social awareness, or team leadership until we are aware of and comprehend our own emotions. Self-improvement, often known as personal development, is defined as the process of improving intellect and character via one's own efforts. It is an irreverent process in which one decides to take control of one's life and make positive changes. Self-awareness refers to being aware of one's own characteristics, feelings, and actions.

    Having a good Life will come if everyone Found their own way of living a forever life and makes their life a lot easier with good friends and a frenzy of excitement💗


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